1. Full learning outcome entries for Integrating Ideas with Others, Active Critical Reading Process, & Writing as a Recursive Process;
    • Full entries include: 1) a paragraph introducing the learning outcome: explain your understanding of the learning outcome – paraphrase the learning outcome language in the syllabus and in these rubrics, 2) several pieces of evidence documenting each of the “markers of fluency” you’re claiming – clearly labeled with language from the rubric, 3) a lengthy paragraph or two summarizing what your evidence of learning shows (PRO TIP: incorporate the language of the rubrics, 4) a photo of your completed rubric
  2. Partial learning outcomes entry for Critique Your Own Work and Others’ including 1) a paragraph introducing the learning outcome, 2) several pieces of evidence documenting each of the “markers of fluency” you’re claiming – clearly labeled with language from the rubric, and 3) a photo of your completed rubric.


Integrating Ideas with Others 

This learning outcome is the process of using the authors ideas with others to find relationship between their ideas and textual evidence. This outcome requires summary, which focuses on setting up the project or central terms in the text. Paraphrase and analysis to show authors ideas.  By using textual evidence I can find relationships between texts, and make connections to other texts, the world, and myself. This learning outcome also requires me to make claims challenging the writers ideas.


I Integrate my ideas with these authors in my assignment connecting Kingsolver, Bittman and Pollan . In this assignment I’m using paraphrase and quotations to show evidence of how Polyface farm can be the answer to these authors critiques of the industrial food system.  My evidence of learning shows that I can use ideas of others to come up with solutions of how to solve some of the problems facing the environment and animals from industrial size farming. I also make claims to challenge ways of Polyface farming, and how that way of farming wouldn’t sustain the meat demand. This also shows my ability to make a text to world connection.  More evidence of Integrating Ideas with others is Reading Pollan 1 assignment. Here I locate specific text from the passage and summarize key features of the farm. I show that I’m able to annotate a text with key concepts and important details. I make text to world connection with the natural cycle of the polyface farm. More evidence of this is shown in reading pollan 2.

Active Critical Reading Process

This learning outcome pertains to the ability to annotate text, exploring the text to find implications of the authors response, and asking questions. Writing up a text is a great way to understand it better, from writing down words you don’t know, big ideas to focus on, and defining important details is all important aspects of this learning outcome. This learning outcome also requires annotations to challenge ideas in the text.

I Employ techniques of active reading, critical reading, and informal reading response for inquiry, learning, and thinking. Here I show evidence of my annotations. From big ideas like the symbiotic relationship between the animals and the environment at polyface, to a statistic of how 1/3 of chickens diet is insects. These annotations help improve my understanding of my project, and be able to point out evidence faster.



Writing as a Recursive Process

This learning outcome relates to restructuring paragraphs, developing ideas, and putting in new evidence to strengthen an argument/project. This learning outcome has 4 steps. Pre writing, drafting, revising, and editing. From global revision, thesis and claims, to local revision, sentence and grammar errors, this learning outcome show meaningful revisions of drafts.

I Demonstrate my ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires considerable revision of drafts of content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision)


Here I show my evidence of pre writing, by making a venn diagram to compare 2 things (polyface farm values, capitalist values, and the values that they both share). This helps show what these 2 things have in common, and the ways they differ. This furthers my understanding of parts of my project.


Here are 2 paragraphs from the Food Prompt. I show evidence of local revision by citing my source correctly in the revised paragraph where in the original I just brought up where I encountered the term and supplied a definition without citing where I got that exact definition. I also state how this word directly contradicts the industrial food system values right after explaining what the word means, versus in my original paragraph I don’t state that it contradicts the industrial food system.


Original Paragraph 

Meat is part of the culture in this country.  I encountered the term “ecocentrism” in my environmental issues class. “The idea of ecocentrism is a term used in ecological political philosophy to stand for a nature centered versus a human centered system of values”  I believe this is the basis for eating ethically, how your personal system of morals connects, and reaches out to things in nature, like animals and the environment.

Revised paragraph

Meat is ingrained in our culture as Americans.  I encountered the term “ecocentrism” in my environmental issues class. According to Wikipedia, “The idea of ecocentrism is a term used in ecological political philosophy to stand for a nature centered versus a human centered system of values”  I believe this is the basis for eating ethically, how your personal system of morals connects, and reaches out to things in nature, like animals and the environment. Eating ethically directly contradicts how the industrial food system goes about business.


Below I show evidence of Global Revision. This paragraph in my rough draft, but I take this out for my final draft. I did this because I don’t think this is necessary for displaying my view of eating ethically, but was for providing a naysayer. It can be important for a project to claim negative critique of my thesis.

Why you cannot undustrialize meat

stop raising animals industrially, start eating them thoughtfully. I think for America this is a unrealistic want. He’s pretty much saying that every farmer and butcher needs to change they way they make a living. Which will never happen. If you undustrialize meat, then it’ll take longer and be more expensive to produce it. Then meat will get very expensive, then less people will buy it and it’ll be a chain reaction.  Asking people to think about the meat their eating, and really be mindful of what that animal went through so you could enjoy a taste can be powerful. If everyone watched videos of cattle and pig being slaughtered then I bet sales would decrease. Out of mind out of sight. If you don’t think about it, you don’t see it. If you dont think about the death of that animal, then you don’t see anything about other than the taste on the frying pan.

Critique Own and Others Work

This learning objective demonstrates my ability to critique my own and others’ work by showing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process. Comments relating to claims, evidence and organization. Making specific suggestions for change, whether it be a grammar error, or a thesis change. Offering explanations to expand ideas and clarify notions. Comments are thoughtful and do attemot to follow guidelines given. I offer and accept feedback happily.


I show here that I critique my own and others work. I show suggestions for change regarding my peers project. I also begin to address idea development. My comments also work to clarify concepts and to address evidence, for example when I say “still need to integrate opinion of how to revamp IFP (industrial food system) and how you would eat more ethically.” Im offering a suggestion on what to integrate into the project. I also correct grammar mistakes for example where to put a comma, or point out a spelling error.