When people lived in cities they had to go buy food from a supermarket. Idustrialized factories were outside of cities. When people lived in suburbs they had to make their own food or travel to supermarket


1st segment       logic defining

2nd segment         the way we think about animals – emotionally complicated

the connection between eating food that really came from animals. Sort of the same thing, eating a animal after butchering it vs. eating canned meat


3rd segment quirky thinking about dogs

just because someone has a pHd doesn’t mean they know a lot about animals ex. lady in story with phd


4th segment    morally problematic relationship with animals


ethics- guide behavior   too complicated to make on the fly decisions

primary discourse – love for dogs, never wanting to eat them

What do I think about mark Bittmans article. Emotionally defying

stop raising animals industrially, start eating them thoughtfully. I think for America this is a unrealistic want. He’s pretty much saying that every farmer and butcher needs to change they way they make a living. Which will never happen. If you undustrialize meat, then it’ll take longer and be more expensive to produce it. Then meat will get very expensive, then less people will buy it and it’ll be a chain reaction.  Asking people to think about the meat their eating, and really be mindful of what that animal went through so you could enjoy a taste can be powerful. If everyone watched videos of cattle and pig being slaughtered then I bet sales would decrease. Out of mind out of sight. If you don’t think about it, you don’t see it. If you dont think about the death of that animal, then you don’t see anything about other than the taste on the frying pan.